Melon Head

What is Melon Head?


A large headed creature thats runs around Wisner road in Kirtland screaming.

Holy shit that was a melon head.

See the prophet


a person with a head shaped oddly like a melon

melon u fukin ugly cunt ur head looks like a fukin melon u melon headed fukin disgrace


Of or relating to an unusually large cranium that is in the general shape of the melon family of fruit.

Is that a watermelon or your melon head behind the wheel?


somebody who listens to and is a huge fan of the awesome band blind melon!!!!

grateful dead fans = dead heads

blind melon fans = melon heads


See melon head, melonhead, music, deadhead


ones head that is shaped in the size of a melon. one ugly stupid tag along with very bad acne resembling a hens ass with the body of a ethiopian crossed with a somalian. yellow teeth dragon breath mutherfucka.

melon u fuckin tag along. suck my dong.


gemma from 9f who hates gingers and shakes her head when she talks like gale platt from corrie.says things like"fuck off you fuckin ginger knob end before i friggin kick ya in ya nuts you bloody friggin frig fuckin frig face ...............twat

go on melon , use parkers head like a football

See parker


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