
What is Melonade?


Homestar runner's favorite tasty drink.

"It all started when I decided to drink 32 glasses of melonade"

"I have to stop drinking so much melonade, Marzipan, I think I have a serious problem"


1) A tasty fruity 'ade made from melons.

2) Best when drank out of a tall glass, after eating Fluffy Puff Marshmallows.

"Before I drink a tall glass of melonade, I like to eat about 147 Fluffy Puff Marshmallooowwwwwssssss..."


A delicious drink made from melons, accually pronounced "mewonade," featured on Homestarrunner, "It's dot com!" (RIGHT ON !! :-D) And its.. "made from the best stuff" !! Go to.. Homestarrunner

"It allllll started when I decided to drink 32 gwasses of mewonade !!" -Homestar


A very tasty drink featured on Homestarrunner. Made from melons, duh. Aid's your ade.

A glass of melonade? For me? Thanks, The Cheat!

See Iceman


1. A mispronounciation of the word lemonade..used by one "Homestar Runner's" speech impediment

it all stawded when i deceided to dwink therty-two gwasses of melonade


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