What is Mercy High School In Baltimore?


There are many Mercy High Schools throughout the world but the Mercy High School in Baltimore is by far the best. It's different from the other Catholic all-girls in Baltimore because we're far superior to any of them. The school first opened their door on September 26, 1960. The school is 1/5 sports people, 1/5 stoners, 2/5 sluts, 1.5/5 normal people, and 1.5/5 anime/theatre people.

Each year since 1961, the Mercy Magic has taken on the INDPenguidians (a less cool version of Mercy) in the Mercy / IND game. The students of both schools call it The Game. It's really uncool when a lovable Mercy girl walks over to the IND side during the game to see her IND friends and some random bitch says "I think you're on the wrong side." I'm glad the IND education taught you how to differentiate Red and Blue... Mercy has won more of the games than IND.

A Mercy girl is probably dating a Calvert Hallguy, friends with several Calvert Hall guys, and hating those Loyola guys. Many of the girls also will date guys from Towson, Loch Raven, or Perry Hall. Mercy girls go weeks without shaving their legs due to lack of guys in the school. If you have a mean advisor you're usually too lazy to switch and if you have a nice advisor you're bragging about it to your friends. if you get kicked out for any reason you're going to Dulaney if you're rich, Towson if you're black, Overlea if you're plain disgusting, and Perry Hall, Parkville, or Loch Raven if you're middle class.

Most people think we're whores, some of us are, some of us aren't. But we're better than the schools like us (Catholic High/IND), rich people schools(Maryvale/NDP), and schools nobody cares about (Bryn Mawr, St. Tims).

where are you going to go to high school?




See mercy, cute, jayjay, sexy, baltimore, calvert hall


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