
What is Merle?


A dirty cunt who stinks really fucking bad

You seen that one bitch on the wizl? Totally a merle. Damn cunts

See merle, damn, cunt, whore, bitch, slut, skank, not cool


A polite way of calling someone haggard. Based on the name of country music icon Merle Haggard.

"It's Monday and this bar is full of merles, we should have a good chance of going home with someone tonight."

See wombat, ugly, fugly, dirt twirler, haggard, swamp rat, nickle


Merle (m-url) is a rare mammal species long thought by scientists to be extinct. Although the merle physically appears very similar to human beings, it is genetically closer to an orangutangue. A merle was recently discovered living amongst humans in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Very few studies have been conducted on this Merle as it becomes enraged when approached by scientists.

Why are you attacking me!? You're acting like a Merle!

See violent, creature, well hung, mammal


Merle (m-url) is a rare mammal species long thought by scientists to be extinct. Although the merle physically appears very similar to human beings, it is genetically closer to an orangutangue. A merle was recently discovered living amongst humans in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Very few studies have been conducted on this Merle as it becomes enraged when approached by scientists.

Why are you attacking me!? You're acting like a Merle!

See violent, creature, well hung, mammal


A clone or doppelganger. Used mostly to avoid saying clone because it sounds too much like clown and clowns are evil.

There are other forms of the word merle. For example:

Merletiplicity- Having more than one merle

Animerle-Looking like a cartoon character

Merletiply-To notice more and more look-alikes of oneself.

We're so much alike, we must be merles!

I used to have one merle, but recently they seem to have merletiplied.

See clone, doppelganger, twin, clown


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