
What is Merow?


merow - A random word said by teens and mentally retarded old people who think they are cats. Originated In Canada.

..row ?

Person#1:Hello, How are you today ?


See Amanda


The sound that a rhino makes... my b/f and i came up with one day while being bored and not being able to figure out what sound rhinos really make!

Rhino: "MEROW"

Boy: "Merow"

Girl: "that the heck is that sound?"

Boy: "I dunno"

Girl: "Its going to be a rhinos sound cuz i don't know what sound they really make"

Boy: "Ok!"

See rhino, sound, animal, africa, horn


Almost like meow. Said by teens who have nothing fun to say in canada.

The bored girl in Canada said ".row??"

See Mike


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