
What is Merph?


to totally destroy in a hella savage manner

1: "'bout to merph this burger"

2: "dude did you see john get merphed last night"

"yeah, poor guy's probably still feeling it."

See destroy, annihilate, wreck, finish


a sign of exasperation or frustration

Teacher: You have a four page paper due tomorrow

Student: MERPH!

See Steph


a sound used to express confusion or lack of knowledge

a:who is that? and what are they doing?

b: *merph?*

See liz


An expression indicating boredom, apathy, or lurrrrve.

Mike: Metinks joo are beautiful. :3

Ike: Mmmmmerph! X3 (I love you!)

Mike: I like honey-baked hams.

Ike: Merph. (Ho hum.)

Mike: .....

Ike: Merph. (La di da.)


a word to show emotion to some amazing or sick nasty.

"That move was merph!"

"The movie we just watched was merph"

See merph, sick, awesome, sweet, amazing


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