
What is Mervin?


a wedgie from both sides usually done by two cool people to nerds and geeks who wear tighty whities

that nerd ticked me off so my friend and I gave him a mervin

See prank, tighty whities, wedgie, atomic wedgie, hanging wedgie, melvin


A replacement word. Used for the words 'gay' 'fuck' 'shit' 'damn' ect...

Could also be used as 'awesome' 'spectacular' 'amazing' 'cool' ect...

What the merv!

Wow, that guy's mervy.


"I just got tickets to the concert next week!""Mervin!"


"I totally failed that test." "Mervin!"

See merv, mervin, fuck, cool, shit, awesome


Similar to a wedgie, but of the balls.

"ah damn I got a mervin." *while picking underwear from crotch*


A stud. When girls that you don't even know are attracted to you in a swarm like effect, you are said to have the "Mervin affect."

Man, those chicks are all over that guy, he's got the Mervin working overtime.


A desperate, usually oafish, overly sappy individual who goes out of his way to win the effection of a female who is way out of his league, usually making himself look stupid at some point.

Ew. Like, that guy I work with is a total Mervin. He keeps asking me out, giving me flowers and writing dumb poems. There is no way a girl like me is going out with a fat moron like him.

See Caffeine


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