
What is Mesquite?


(n) 1) Texmex Slang for marijuana

2) Type of wood, traditionally used for barbeques

(3) the male organ

1) "Yo, man light that mesquite up!"

"this mesquite is tha shit yo"

2) "Grab some mesquite for this grill"

3) "hey girl hows about you sux on my mesquite"


(1)Mesquite - a type of wood or tree that is generally used to smoke meat in a barbeque.

(2)A city west of Dallas, Texas, home of the Rodeo.

1---- "This Mesquite grilled chicken is amazing!"

2---- "The Rodeo season is kickin off in Mesquite again this year."

See texas, dallas, suburb, rodeo


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