
What is Metronome?


The BEST FUCKING POKEMON MOVE EVER. Patented by the kickass pokemon by the name of Clefable. It makes a motion with its fingers. THEN RELEASES THE BEST MOVE EVER. It's soo much of a kickass move, that it does A RANDOM POKEMON MOVE. It can DO ANY MOVE from FLAMETHROWER to fucking growl. kickass.


My Clefable used Metronome and fucking roasted your ass with Hyperbeam, you got murdered!

See pokemon, pwnage, ash


n. An urban male of below-average height with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle (see also: metronomality n.)

Adam was both short and well-dressed: the epitomy of metronomality.

See Renee


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