Mexican Spaghetti

What is Mexican Spaghetti?


Ramon noodles smothered in enchilada sauce.

Consuelo was surprised to find her wedding reception dinner was Mexican Spaghetti

See spaghetti, cheese, mexican, dinner


The action of slurping up pube hair like miniature noodles. Often cum is mixed in the pubes to make an alfrado like sauce.

Dude she came over last thursday and I served her up some of my famous mexican spaghetti with my hand made alfrado sauce.

See pubes, sex, eating, spaghetti, mexican


When one's pubic hair is longer than their genitles (this only works for males, or does it???)

"wow, he/she's got the mexican spaghetti",

See mexican, spaghetti, donkey punch, california


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