What is Mexican Waffle?
the act of shitting in one of those egg crate things on a dorm bed and then making the bed over it (see similar terms: "upper-decker", "hot pocket", "trunk muffin")
That guy pissed me off last night so I snuck in his room and left him a Mexican waffle.
A waffle with manbutter and syrup instead of regular butter and syrup. Best served as part of breakfast in bed.
"Hey babe, you want me to make a special breakfast for you?"
"Yeah! That'd be awesome!"
"You're right, I will make a Mexican Waffle you'll never forget. I have a special organic protein butter that makes it really unique."
After eating mexican food and while wearing a sombrero,a man lays his taint along his partners nose and stretches his scrotum over the mouth, all the while he rocks back and forth while screaming, " Ay yay ay yay ay".
Last night after the fiesta my man treated me to a Mexican Waffle