
What is Meximelt?


A child who has one parent from Mexico and the other parent from another country(usually United States).

Amy has always screwed Mexican boys.Now she's got herself a Meximelt.

See cornchip, halfbreed, baby taco, munchie


A sweaty Mexican/Hispanic who works for the landscaping business or some agricultural job.

Wife: Honey, our house's landscaping looks really shitty.

Husband: Don't worry, I'll just call some meximelts and they'll fix it up.

See mexican, hispanic, taco bell, landscaping, sweaty


1.-The "sweet" way that some americans use to name their girls

2.-Mexican Hot Stuff

3.-Weird mexican mix

guy-"hi meximelt!"

girl- hey honey!

See ;)


Two fine ass latina sluts mixed in with a lucky male contestant.

I could have settled for a waverunner, but I have high expectations and I grabbed two latin bombshells and had myself a little meximelt.

See doyle


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