
What is M00f?


1st meaning: the sound that a dogcow makes.

2nd meaning: an expression or gesture of greeting.

m00f! How are you today?


"m00f" comes from the purposeful misspelling of the l33t word "m0f0", meaning "motherfucker".

You are a giant m00f, asshat.


An illiterate or n00b who spams. Derived from n00b.

Let's go m00f-hunting!


Word invented by petpetnip on neopets as a substitute for the word n00b; users were getting n00b confused with newbie.

A m00f is an irritating/annoying person who spams, scams, cheats, steals, or does anything unsavory. A m00f is ignorant.

What a m00f!


A m00f is a word made up by me and some other people on Neopets (Petpetnip didn't make it up, although he was there when it was made up... I made up "moof" and then someone else added the zeroes) and it was made as a substitute word for "n00b", which sounds too much like it meant "newbie". Basically it means an idiot, or someone who is very annoying.

Stop spamming, you m00f!

See Spidey


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