What is Mff?
A threesome that involves a male and two females. Usually, the guy is inn the middle. One woman is banging the guy, while the other has her muff in the guy's face, getting it licked.
The pornographic text was labelled MFF.
MFF + Manditory Fat Freind.... You ever notice that in group of hot girls there is ne that if Fat... The reason is so the rest of the girls look better and it makes them stand out...
"Look at all the hot girls in that group." "Yeah but they have a MFF"
Mother Fucking Friday
Other forms: MFM - Mother Fucking Monday, MFT - Mother Fucking Thursday
Used to emphesize that it's a good friday, or something great is going to be happening.
WOOT! It's MFF!!! I'm getting a 1/2 pound of weed tonight!!!
Acronym for Man Foot Fetish. Self-explanatory.
Matt has a severe case of MFF.
Stands for Mr. or Mrs. Fartty Farterson
Yo dawg my homegirl farted on me, damn MFF.