
What is Mffl?


Mavs Fan For Life. One who supported the Dallas Mavericks through the dreadful 90's.

"I survived the Cherokee Parks/Lorenzo Meyer/Tony Dumas days. I'm a MFFL"

See dallas, mavericks, basketball, nba, mavs


Acronym for "Mavericks Fan For Life". References the professional NBA basketball team the Dallas Mavericks based in Texas. Usually can find the team's owner, Mark Cuban, wearing a shirt displaying the acronym.

I wish everyone would become a MFFL!

See mavericks, fan, basketball, nba, dallas, texas


Acronym for MOTHER FUCKERS FOR LIFE! It is used to describe bros that are down with that true ass dope shit. They like to fuck bitches, get money, kill niggas, and yell out expletives at random people.

It is also the name for a band, under the genre of humorous rap.

Cody: I love you man

Mason: I love you too man

Cody: You know what that means???

Mason: Yea nigga! We are MFFL!!!!

See mffl, motherfucker, mother fucker, mason


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