
What is Mfp?


More Food Please!

Hey, MFP!

See more, food, please, mfp, phood, mo


Multi-fandom post. When a post has material (icons, drawings, speculations) relating to multiple fandoms, and you are being linked to the post from a site concerned with just one of the fandoms, "MFP" is added to the link to let you know you're getting a whole bunch of random crap too.

hp_luvr_27 has a nice 'shop of Harry/Draco up here link (MFP)

See fandom, fanfic, lj, fandoms


Middle Finger Paranoia: when a person's always suspecting people of flipping him off.

(A guy in a car waves to Ross to let him cut in front on the highway.)

Ross: Did you see that?!? That assturd just flipped me off!

Josh: No he didn't, you blind fuck. You got some serious MFP.

See mfp, finger, paranoia, bird, flip, flipping, off, flipped, dick, cock, rooster, fingerbang, fuck you, prick


Usually a typed abbreviation for "Mother Fuckin' Pimp."

Incoming IM: Yo, you remember that black dude we saw?

Outgoing IM: Yeah, what a MFP!

See pimp, hoe, ho, robert downey, jr., cool cat, nigga, black person, afro, african


Mother Fuckin' Posse

A group of people on the westside of Indianapolis. A high school "gang". Also known as as "I" or "Independents", this group of people wear white and black flags and listen to hardcore music. They started for the sole purpose of showing their brotherhood and loyalty to their friends and members.

MFP is not violent, but they can be when necisarry.

"Those MFP kids scare the shit out of me!"

See mother, fuckin, posse, ginger, high, school


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