
What is Mi-24?


Mi-24 Hind

The Mi-24 Hind put the Soviets in the competition with the US for best helicopter. The Hind could very easily outclass the UH-60 Black Hawk. More than 1000 were produced. The Hind was first introduced a bit before 1972. It was a lethal anti-tank helicopter. It came in six varieties: A, B, C, D, E, and F. A was a heavy duty tank killer armed with Spiral pod AT ASMs, B was a lighter version of A, C had a flex MG turret on the nose, D had a redesigned fuselage, E is still unknown, and F carried six AT ASMs and was used primarily in East Germany.

Type: attack helicopter

Armament: 12.7mm gun, Spiral pod AT ASMs, TOW missiles, and random bombs and missiles on the other four rails for each wing.

Dimensions: span 17m; length 17m; height 4.25m

Payload: around 5000kg

Speed: 275 km/h

Range: unknown

Ceiling: higher than Mi-8

Note: a lot of statistics are estimated as the Mi-24 is still in use and details have not been released

The Mi-24 flies for the Russian Air Force.


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