Mi Go Reng

What is Mi Go Reng?


Mi go reng noodles can only be described as the most delicious, delectable, palatable feast that one can ever enjoy. mi go reng originated in indo (a country which consists of many islands), and before long, had whored / pimped its little packet filled goodness to many fortunate first-world countries. you can purchase this ‘orgasmic treat of salty deliciousness’ (as defined by wikipedia) from many supermarkets, eg, woolies and coles , and your local forthcoming asian shop.

person 1: holymotherfuckingroflcoptersaurusrex! whilst enjoying my mi go reng, i tripped and my mi go reng landed on my poor cats head.

person 2: HTF!!

holymotherfuckingroflberrypancake. you are a fucking rofltard. poor cat.

person 1: i just had a roflaarp fest.

person 2: you fucking brought teh pwnagepackage on your cat da nooob. i am roflcoptering and firing lmao missiles, roflascjsmepamdicfsdoem.

person 1: i am overcome with hilarity.

See roflascjsmepamdicfsdoem, roflaarp, cat, noodle


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