Mi Goreng

What is Mi Goreng?


the perfect, most delicious and fulfilling instant noodle. EVER.

person 1: mi goreng noodles are like only the best noodles ever!

person 2: agreeeed!

See mi goreng, mi go reng, noodles, instant, yum, spicy, indo, noodle


a fried noodle or a person who is so uneducated they can't tell their flip from their flop!

Tim: I am so rich cause i dont burn money, hard come, easy go! I got the cars and the girls, i am unstoppable.

Viquah: hahaha..It's easy come, hard go! You such a MI GORENG. Chill down with the ego, you're going to single handedly turn all woman off men! Open your flap and stop thinking your Ed Witten or something.

See nob head, wanna be, try hard


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