Mi Spiace

What is Mi Spiace?


The name people often use for Myspace when they are too embarassedto say it in public or in front of someone else. It is often used as a cover upso as to not let people know they are talking about Myspace. To be heard talking about Myspace in public is actually not cool as some young yuppies and pre-teens may think. This word was created by an Eliteyoung man who lives in Perth. This eliteyoung man uses Myspace occasionally but never talks about it in public unless the situations demands it to be talked about. Note that he will not say the word Myspace. But instead Mi Spiace, so as to not be heard by anyone.

J-Dawg: Did you read that stupid bulletin than sxc95cyooty posted?

C-Train: Yeh shes just so ridiculous.

J-Dawg: Yeah thats why I deleted her off my friends

C-Train: Same here. I hate them fucking Mi Spiace whores

See myspace, train, yuppies, teens, elite


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