What is M.i.a?
Missing In Action, meanining when people are at a social gathering and one person that usually hangs with this crowd is not there either because he wasnt answering his phone or he has found a cooler crowd to hang with.
"dude where is johnny? i havent seen him in like a week."
"Yeah man he's M.I.A, no one has seen him in a while, he is never answering his phone and brenda said she saw him hanging out with these other people"
"thats so weird"
Means, Missing In Action
also known as the self proclaimed M.I.A pop sensation who sings Paper planes
Dude where is that guy?
hes honestly M.I.A man
missing in action. when you no longer get any sexual action and have been longing for it for a long time.
Kirsten was in denial for m.i.a.