What is Miami University Swimmers?


A group of athletes at Miami University who frequently consume excess amounts of alcohol to compensate for the excess amounts of miles swam in the pool daily. They work hard, and play harder.

Similar to a small town, everyone seems to know everyone else's business. Rumors fly and tempers flare regardless of the hour. Sunday morning brunch at Harris Dining Hall brings out awkward weekend memories.

These MU athletes are also credited with throwing the single largest house party on campus, called Fish Fest, typically held in April each year. Hundreds of thirsty students stop by for their share of 20+ kegs and live music.

Notoriously known for having an exemplary collective GPA, the MU swimmers prove they are bound for success in and out of the pool.

I always see the Miami University Swimmers pushing tables together at Harris and talk about the weekend. Someone always gets "housed".

See swimmers


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