
What is Micah?


From the Bible, means one who is like God.

As God says to Micah your in my image, treat everyone as I would.

See mika, mica, rock, mineral, mike



Describing someone or something that is a new level of uber coolness, rad, sweet, or "the it."


It can also replace any appropriote verb and have no intentions whatsoever

"Dood, that concert was soooo micah."

"I am definately in love with her. I just like how she's so nice, caring, yet she's hawt and totally micah."

"y0u c@n fr3@k!n c@n !t 0r !'11 micah y0ur f@c3"

idioticfreak#1: im gonna go micah your sister!

idioticfreak#2: shut up, or you'll wish you were micahd!

See micah, micha, mika, pwn, rad, uber, cool, sweet, teh, pwnage, own, ownage, pwnership, pwned, scene, punk, straightedge, freak, mom jeans, frumpy, frump, frumpster, gang, ganster, gansta, white, wangsta, w00t, d00d, n00b


Super sex possition for shorter or extremely hott girls

We should bang tonight Micah Hardcore!

See vagina, anal, sex, weiner


when roughly translated from its language of origin Mandarin Chinese, it can be found to mean "the shit"

that sweater vest is totally micah

See the shit, rad, awesome, hip, trendy


to set oneself on fire with alcohol or anything really

oh my god he fucking micahed himself douse him with coke!

See micah, mica, micha, gay, alcohol, burning


the hottest man of God!

check out that micah!


A girl or boy name. Girl name: Awesome, Hot, Amazing, The Bomb, THe Sh!t

Boy Name: Cool, popular, amazing, gangster

That AMAZING girl over there, her name is Micah.

That cool guy at that party was named Micah

See cool, hot, amazing, awesome, the shit


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