Michael Savage

What is Michael Savage?


The greatest right-wing radio talkshow host ever. He, unlike others, is NOT a mouthpiece for the Bush Administration.

Fucktardsand liberals may criticize him, but he is indeed the greatest that radio has to offer.


An intelligent and rather unusual man who cannot be categorized as either "Right Wing" or even "Left Wing"; to his credit, he is truly an independent thinker, and he has several views that I don't agree with, but his views are very thoroughly reasoned out. He is the Sworn Enemy of all enemies to our country -- including Big Pharma (big drug companies) and fanatical Muslims and politicians who try to hoodwink the American public into agendas that the public actually doesn't desire.

Although Savage is, indeed, a talk-radio host, he is not a clone of any of the others -- especially Not a clone of that miserable cretin named Bill O'Reilly (antonym). He is Not Rush Limbaugh, he is Not Sean Hannity, he is Not even Glenn Beck -- and he is Definitely NOT that ass-hole known as Bill O'Reilly (B.O. is a poser).

Mr. Savage will occasionally use college-level literature, and he has apparently done his history homework. He is also a skeptical nutritionist (a rare virtue among dieticians and other health workers); and he's also an ethno-botanist who has traveled throughout several countries in search of the tribal customs of cuisine and nutrition, and tribal customs regarding the use of various herbs and spices. He is also an epidemiologist, and that explains his concern about the spread of easily prevented Tuberculosis into our country.

(He deeply believes that people should learn to take care of their health -- and not believe every word told them in high school regarding health, or anything that Big Pharma is brainwashing people into believing.)

(Tuberculosis is a disease that the United States had almost completely gotten rid of in the early 20th century -- and it appears to be coming back.)

While nobody can agree with every single opinion that Michael Savage expresses, the fact is that his talk-radio show is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally exciting -- very different from anything that I had ever encountered in radio or on television or even in books.

Finally, it should be noted that sometimes, one of Savage's workers will post something very ugly on the website made in Michael Savage's name, and might make Savage look bad -- but the items are news items that need to be seriously discussed, and some of those items should definitely never, ever be forgotten.

Speaker 1: "Hey, I just listened to Michael Savage's radio show today."

Speaker 2: "What did that ass-hole talk about today?"

Speaker 1: "Chill. It was a combination of poems by Kahlil Gibran, and several observations about nutrition, and more reasons why we should never trust our government to protect us."

Speaker 2: "Maybe I'll start listening to him -- but I'll probably continue hating him anyway."

Speaker 1: "I sometimes get angry at him -- but at least he doesn't suck the way that some of the others do -- especially those television guys who are essentially pimps for either CNN or Fox News."


"Oh, so you're one of those sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig, how's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better to do than to put me down, you piece of garbage, you got nothing better to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it. Get trichinosis. Now do we have another nice caller here who's busy because he didn't have a nice night in the bathhouse who's angry at me today? Put another, put another sodomite on....no more calls? I don't care about these bums, they mean nothing to me. They're all sausages." -Michael Savage, July 7, 2003

"I'm beginning to think that women should be denied the vote. Their hormones rage; they are too emotional." -Michael Savage, November 6, 1998

"We need racist stereotypes right now of our enemy in order to encourage our warriors to kill the enemy." -Michael Savage, February 6, 2003

"The greatest right-wing radio talkshow host ever."- Total dumbass, March 24, 2005

Official Michael Savage madlib:

(Insert name of minority, liberal leader, or freethinker here) is a total (insert childish insult like "Red Diaper Doper Baby" here) who hates America. All he cares about are (insert name of minority, "fags", "Hollywood scum propaganda", etc. here).

See dumbass, rush limbaugh, sean hannity, propaganda, douchebag


To offer opinions directly from your ass, bypassing the larynx.

I offered a michael savage opinion at the cocktail party. The hostess was the first to slip the accompanying fecal matter.

See autism, bullshit, burnout


The only man who can sue for discrimination one day and advocate genocide another.

Wait did Michael Savage just compare Jimmy Carter to hitler...

See racist, sexist, facist, nutcake


Savage is ultraconservative conceited radio talk-show host who has difficulty tolerating disagreement and criticism. He is hypocritical and has a deplorable lack of honor and character.

To summarize, a more appropriate name for Savage is “Cabbage”. Like the food, he is rough and big on the outside, but has little more than hot air on the inside.

Michael Savage rarely engages in civil discussion with those who politely and intelligently disagree with his perspective on different issues. When intellectually cornered by a caller, Savage will often resort to screaming and launching personal attacks in attempts to avoid continued discussions of topics. When that does not seem to work, he will hang up on the caller and continue to berate him.

He also seems incapable of tolerating criticism. So far he has sued hosts of two or three web sites that dared to criticize him. In one suit, he apparently had difficulty distinguishing “fair use” from copyright infringement. Yet, Savage has not qualms about quoting and criticizing other people.

He is also very hypocritical, often using name-calling tactics to characterize other talk show hosts (He has resorted to calling Rush Limbaugh “Hush Bimbo”.) Yet, his name was originally Michael Weiner. Have you heard of the pot calling the kettle black?

Finally, he exhibits a deplorable lack of honor and character. He asked people to donate money for his suit against CAIR. He said that he would sue care to the bitter end if necessary and that he would take it to the Supreme Court. When offered the chance to improve upon one of his suits against CAIR, he failed to keep his promise to his listeners/donors and chickened out. I doubt that he considered offering to return donations that he received. Doing so would take class.

He says that other media (shows) is frightened of him. Such is not the case. He is actually afraid of other media. He had been invited, on different occasions, to debate other people on neutral territory via an independent moderator. He declined. Apparently, he prefers to in total control of the calls, insulated and protected in his own studio, behind his own little mike.

See michael savage, hypocrite, hype


A very intelligent man who cannot be categorized as either "Right Wing" or even "Left Wing"; to his credit, he is truly an independent thinker, and he has several views that I don't agree with, but his views are very thoroughly reasoned out. He is the sworn enemy of all enemies to our country -- including Big Pharma (big drug companies) and fanatical Muslims and politicians who try to hoodwink the American public into.

Mr. Savage will occasionally use college-level literature, and he has apparently done his history homework. He is also a skeptical nutritionist (a rare virtue among dieticians and other health workers); and he's also an ethno-botanist who has traveled throughout several countries in search of the tribal customs of cuisine and nutrition, and tribal customs regarding the use of various herbs and spices. He is also an epidemiologist, and that explains his concern about the spread of easily prevented Tuberculosis into our country.

(He deeply believes that people should learn to take care of their health -- and not believe every word told them in high school regarding health, or anything that Big Pharma is brainwashing people into believing.)

(Tuberculosis is a disease that the United States had almost completely gotten rid of in the early 20th century.)

While nobody can agree with every single opinion that Michael Savage expresses, the fact is that his talk-radio show is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally exciting -- very different from anything that I had ever encountered in radio or on television or even in books.

Finally, it should be noted that sometimes, one of Savage's workers will post something very ugly on the website made in Michael Savage's name, and might make Savage look bad -- but the items are news items that need to be seriously discussed, and some of those items should definitely never, ever be forgotten.

He wants the United States to both prosper and survive, so he will occasionally allow some ugly but necessary things to be posted on his website.

Speaker 1: "Hey, I just listened to Michael Savage's radio show today."

Speaker 2: "What did that ass-hole talk about today?"

Speaker 1: "Chill. It was a combination of poems by Kahlil Gibran, and several observations about nutrition, and more reasons why we should never trust our government to protect us."

Speaker 2: "Maybe I'll start listening to him -- but I'll probably continue hating him anyway."

Speaker 1: "I sometimes get angry at him -- but at least he doesn't suck the way that some of the others do -- especially those television guys who are essentially pimps for either CNN or Fox News."

See fox news, television, radio, patriot


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