What is Michael Young History?


The Cool.

One of the 3 main Characters that Lupe Fiasco created for his 2 albums, "Lupe Fiasco's Food & Liquor" and "Lupe Fiasco's The Cool." His name is only mentioned in "Lupe Fiasco's The Cool."

Pronounced My Cool Young History.

Truly an exciting story.

The other 2 characters are The Game and The Streets.

Listen to all of Lupe's albums and mixtapes!

Michael Young History: "Hustle for Death, No Heaven for a Gangster."

See fnf, lupe fiasco, the game, the streets


A character in both of Lupe Fiasco's albums. As well as a character, it is also a play on words sounding out "my cool young history". Is used as both meanings in Lupe's mind boggling song "The Coolest" from Lupe Fiasco's The Cool.

"Lord please have sympathy, and forgive 'Michael Young History' as, The coolest..

See coolest, lupe, fiasco, michael, young, history, cool, liquor, food, character, symbolic


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