
What is Michayla?


1) Rabid Fangirl

2) Daddies Girl

3) Verb; to squeel when a japanese person is entering a room

1) "Dude stop being a Michayla over yaoi"

2) "Ya she is such a Michayla, cant even get close to her without her dad having a shotgun at my face."

3) "Hey look a Jap"


"Wtf did you just pull a Michayla?

See anime, micky, michayla, death


a person who has no common sense and fails completely when trying to act like it, it is a person who cheats on significant others just because someone says it would be fun, and is a complete dits involving everything in life.


(hey my girlfriend is mad at me....

Michayla: oh im sorry, let me spread my legs.)

See dumbass, ditz, michayla, cheater, bitch


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