
What is Micheal?


A fat sack of shit that likes to catch dicks in his mouth and asshole.

Micheal and Jensen (a big nigger)had some butsex last night!

See micheal, fatty, catcher, asshole, fatass


Micheal is truly the man's man. A truly well rounded individual capable of drinking large amount of alcohol, loving women roughly(and tenderly), know massive amounts of knowledge, and is talents at many, many things. Most people refer to Micheal as the baddest mutha fucka on the planet. They are correct in this assumption.

I was having a shitty time, and them Micheal showed up, stole my girl, drank all my beer, and showed me how to party like a real man.

See micheal, michael, mike, baddest, mutha fucka


An amazing man who is kind and generous. Micheals make amazing lovers, and are very romantic. Many people admire Micheals and wish that they could be a Micheal, or were dating a Micheal. Micheals are generally very intelligent. Micheals tend to fall for girls named Jessica. Micheal and Jessica's share a kind of love that can usually only be seen in fairytales. They may go through many trials but they will always love eachother no matter what happens. Micheals are amazing and everyone should know this. Any Jessica that has a Micheal fall in love with her should understand how lucky she really is.

Person 1 "You know that guy Micheal"

Person 2 "ya, he's amazing"

Person 1 "I know, I wish he was my boyfriend"

Person 2 "Only Jessica is the one that gets to be with such amazing, wonderful, sexy. kind man like Micheal"

See male, sexy, romantic, loving, kind


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