Micheal Mccomber

What is Micheal Mccomber?


An amazing man who is kind and generous. Micheals make amazing lovers, and are very romantic. Many people admire Micheals and wish that they could be a Micheal, or were dating a Micheal. Micheals are generally very intelligent. Micheals tend to fall for girls hard and fast. Micheal will share a kind of love that can usually only be seen in fairytales. They may go through many trials but they will always love eachother no matter what happens. Micheals are amazing and everyone should know this. Any girl that has a Micheal fall in love with her should understand how lucky she really is.

Person 1 "You know that guy Micheal McComber"

Person 2 "ya, he's amazing"

Person 1 "I know, I wish he was my boyfriend or could be my husband"

Person 2 "Only someone very special could be the one that gets to be with such amazing, wonderful, sexy. kind man like Micheal McComber"

See micheal, red head, lovers, relationships, special


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