
What is Microphallus?


1. A penis smaller than GW Bush's brain;

2. A clitoris on a man;

3. A dick that is at risk of getting caught in your teeth;

4. A dick that is so small you have to punch yourself in the stomach to see the head pop out.

1. Damn, Lisa caught his microphallus in her braces;

2. His microphallus was so small he could nose-fuck her;

3. Is that a "AAA" battery in your pants?


an abnormally small runion; a minuscule


Adjectival Variant: Microphallic

In a valiant effort to add length and girth to my microphallus, I did just as my friend suggested -- I tied a 20-pound dumbbell around my member and tossed it out the window. In retrospect, I think the suction pump might have worked better.

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