What is Middle Child Syndrome?


an emotional scarring condition.

Middle children are known for ending up with the things that are too big for the baby in the family and too small for the oldest.

it is a known fact the youngest and oldest are treated differently than the middle child for the oldest is the first child aka favorite

and the smallest is the baby aka the last child known for getting whatever they desire because they are the "baby"

Middle Children sydrome includes

neglect, forgotten dates, and sometimes in bad cases forgetting they even exist.

i lived through this condition,

it is not fatal

just difficult.

a first born: OH i just got this GREAT new car!

a middle child: oh...i have to wait until my sister wrecks hers...then i can have that and they will get her a new one

a first born: oh Middle Child Syndrome, i see.

See growing up


A disposition that generally arises with the middle child of three children in a household. Middle children often lack the attention that the oldest (the most important child) and the youngest (the parent's favorite child) receive.

Middle child syndrome is often characterized by: lack of friends (a loner), inability to maintain relationships, extreme creativity (writing, music, art, etc.), an easy going personality, trouble choosing a career path, trouble maintaining a career, quick loss of interest in things, negative outlook on life, half-assing, and indecisiveness. Famous middle children include David Letterman, Madonna, and Richard Nixon. Need I say more?

I am a middle child. I suffer from middle child syndrome. Therefore I am creative in writing this, but also extremely middle child-esque for writing this melancholy piece.

See children, kids, parenting


When a middle child - typically of a family of three kids who are close in age - feels left out or neglected.

Because the bigger sibling is the first born and typically an over-achiever, they are the most important and get the most privileges. A younger sibling is the 'baby' of a family and gets away with more as well as being the most looked-after. Middle-child syndrome starts when the middle child is squeezed between these two and have trouble finding their 'niche' in the family.

Middle children will sometimes...

-misbehave to get attention

-go with the flow

-work as little as possible

-be less parent-dependent then their siblings

-become the 'loner' of the family, not participate in family events unless told to.

-play the peacemaker

-be more likely to go to a friend for advice than a parent

-be very creative

In short its where the older child gets all the awards, the younger gets all the love, and the middle gets nothing.

(A real-life example of what happened to my younger sis, who suffers from middle child syndrome)

Oldest: Hey I just turned 16!

Mom: Lets go pick you out a car!

Oldest: Yay!

-1 1/2 yrs later-

Middle: Hey I just turned 16!

Mom: Oh.. er.. well we're still paying for your sib's car, so you'll have to just borrow from her when you can..

Middle: >.>

-2 yrs later-

Youngest: Hey! I just turned 16!

Mom: Yay! And I just finished paying for the other car! Lets go get you a car!

Middle: Hey! I should be the next one to get a new car!

Youngest: but its MY birthday

middle: Thats stupid


mom: Be nice to your little sister on her birthday!! Come on, birthday-girl! Lets go get that car!

Youngest: WOO!

See only child


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