Middlesex School

What is Middlesex School?


a preppy prep school in concord massachusetts where rich kids pretend they're not rich and poor kids pretend they're rich. alot of drug use and alot of joking about being gay, which 60% of the school most likely is. 90% of the school owns ralph lauren polo shirts in at least 6 colors. the person wearing the brightest colors wins "best dressed".

hey that kid's wearing a pink shirt and lime green pants and light blue shoes, and pretending to anally rape his friend, he must go to middlesex school.

See middlesex, concord, preppy, the sex, gay


Middlesex is a boarding schoolin concord, ma. with about an avarage clas size of 13, 350 students, and a 1:4 teacher student ratio, it is the premier small boarding school in America, and second overall only to Andover and Exeter. They regurally graduate both division one athletes, artists, and actors (including steve carrell and everying in between. the work is very hard, but students can get into any college they desire. However, there is a very large social divide between rich and poor. both the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor (on scholarship of course) attend, and the school is constantly trying to make the rich feel extremely guilty for attending such a school. most of the students have 2nd and 3rd homes in such preppy vacation spots as maine and Cape Cod. almost all are extremly preppy or old money, with venerable names and bank accounts to match. The students are anything but accepting, and almost everyone is " fake," pretending to be nice and kind, while in fact gossiping and nitpicking about everyone and everything. on the whole, MXers, as they are called, are not very friendly or enjoyable people. they care very much about outward appearance, and overwhelmingly hate those who let it be known they are smart in any way.

Did you see that bean bag girl walk by?

yeah, she must go the middlesex school- she's on her cell phone on her way to starbucks to edit her paper in peace.

See concord, preppy, boarding school, prep school, exclusive, maine, rich


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