
What is Midgard?


In Norse myth, the defensive fortress which the gods build about the middle portion of the earth allotted to men in order to protect mankind from the giants. Midgard ("middle world") is on the same level as Nidavellir (land of the dwarfs), Svartalfheim (land of the dark elves/dwarfs) and Jotunheim (the land of the giants).

Old Norse: Midgardr

Fredji! Quick let us retreat to Midgard.

See Hieros


One of the three realms in Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot. Midgard is made up of extremely overpowered classes. 3 out of 4 Midgard casters have a 'lifetap' ability, that makes them extremely effective in 1 vs 1 combat. They are often extremely reclusive in nature preferring to stay on their own continent instead of waging a war against the other two realms. A survey recently conducted suggest that 95% of all Midgard has never ventured past the North Sea, preferring instead to stay around the Bledmeer Bridge region. The other 5% has been reported to take advantage of the fact that Midgard has extremely overpowered classes and form very deadly l33t 8 man gank groups. Despite the fact that they're highly overpowered, the majority of people do no play Midgard. The land is very bleak and they have small huts that appear to be made of straw and sticks. Also the races are very ugly, infact the only one that looks cool is the Norseman.

Even though I'd like to play Midgard and whip everyones ass, I can't stand it because of all the ugly ass female trolls.


Midgard is a world and can not be defined and it is NOT owned by any games whatsoever.No its not dark age of camelot or ragnarok online.

Its based on norse, all the other games are based onto Midgard, as each game thrives over over to name the games world as "Midgard"

In some games from namco, in their Tales games (Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Symphonia) have summon spirits. In final fantasy 7, its almost like summon spirits but called aeons and etc...The definition is clear that it's definition can not be defined as game producers change the ideas of midgard and calling it clear.

If you want the most clearest definition of midgard, it would be best to search up the oldest game with the world of midgard which i think would be Tales of Phantasia

Example can not be defined, as this is a sufficent word, or "fiction" because the definition is changed by ideas from games.


Despite the fact that they are not the realm I occupy, Midgard is in fact pretty cool. They zerg just like Albionand Hibernia, and I haven't heard of one complaining about unfairness like Hibernia. They're the ones who usually get gankednowadays by the other two realms.

One of the three realms of Dark Age of Camelot.

Midgard isn't that bad, but no way I'd ever leave Albion.

See alb


Home of over-weight small mind men and not-men type things. Races often noticed for there ugliness and stupidity. Often blame over for Zergs whilest secretly hiding a good sized 1 of there own.

We don't zerg.

See Bob


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