
What is Mig?


1.Russian made fighters that show how minorities could change the fate of Russian/Soviet weapon technology (Mikoyan was Armenian and Gurevich was Jewish). The initial fighters were fast, but little else...aning they could escape from the Germans but not stay and shoot. MiG improved their fighters and started to build top of the line fighter aircraft. The MiG-21 is the most mass produced fighter in the world with 21,000 in service. The MiG-25 can go mach 2.8. However, the MiG company was bought out in 1996 and mainly makes stunt aircraft and corporate jets now. MiGs also pale in comparison to the mighty Sukhoi fighters that now make up a lot of Russia's arsenal.

2. Slang for any Russian fighter.

I've got a MiG on my tail!


MiG is the design initials for Mikoyan(formerly Mikoyan-Gurevich), a Russian design Bureau-turned-manufacturer. Founded in 1938 by Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich, MiG primarily designs fighter aircraft for soviet/russian service. MiG made some pretty good fighters in WW2 but really became legendary during the Korean Warwith the MiG-15, which was at least equal with the best of contemporary western fighters. After the vietnam war, however, MiGs have been consistently whooped by American fighters such as the F-15. However, this is probably due to the fact that most MiGs involved in wars since the 1970s were downgraded export models flown by poorly trained pilots.

During the Cold War, MiG fighters were the types that American fighters were designed against, due to the fact that dozens of countries around the eastern bloc and third world used the type. "MiG Diplomacy" was a coin termed to describe the Soviet practice of giving newly formed countries a gift of MiG fighters. All production MiG fighters have odd-numbered designations, because stalin said so back in the 1950s. Stalin's long dead, but MiG keeps up the tradition.

Since the 1990s, MiG hasn't seemed to be doing much, thanks to economic hard times in russia and having the spotlight stolen by the well-connected Sukhoi corporation. Nonetheless, MiG managed to pop out the weird looking but kickass MiG-1.44 prototype, as well as several upgraded Fulcrums.

MiG fighters include the

MiG-15(a nasty shock to the USAF in Korea)

MiG-17(an even more embarassing shock to the USAF and USN in vietnam)

MiG-21(the most produced jet fighter ever)

MiG-25(Superfast mystery plane)

MiG-29(A good airplane... thats gotten its ass kicked in every war its seen)

See jets, airplanes, cold war, soviet, fulcrum


a member of a football hooligan gang that follows Luton Town FC

Stands for 'Men In Gear'

Migs kicked the fuck out of Watford


Metal Inert Gas. A form of gas shielded arc welding that consists of a gun which feeds metal wire into an arc shielded by an inert gas or gas mixture. Produces high quality welds compared to SMAW (stick welding) but not as good as TIG welds. Also, like TIG, MIG cannot be used in an environment with heavy winds as this dissipates the shielding gas.The exception to this rule is if flux core wire is used, then little or no shielding gas is needed.

Many steel and aluminum bicycle frames are MIG welded.

See tig, smaw


Miguel Angel (Soccer Player)is a popular term

used in the Saint Louis area.

A term used to address

very popular, intellegent,

and athletic Mexican individuals.

The term originated in Saint Louis

when soccer star Miguel influenced

the Saint Louis latino area with his

charm and athletic abilities.

Now in days since Latinos, especially

Mexicans, are highly proud of the

original Miguel they call their children

with similar characteristics by the

name Miguel.

Father: Son you are so perfect that

you resemble a great Miguel.

Mr. Ford: Hey hows school?

Boy 1: Its going great, I just

wish it was a bit more cool.

Mr. Ford: In what sense?

Boy: In the sense that the

soccer players should be more


Mr. Ford: Thats why instead of

going to CBC you should have

gone to SLUH.

See player, soccer, intellegent, popular, latino


Danish For "I"

det er mig / It is me


A Mig is someone of limited intelligence who requires special care in order to mix successfully within the confines of a school or college. Usually approachable, though often violent, a Mig can be difficult to befriend.

We were playing table-tennis in the Youth Wing when that Mig came at me with a knife. He's now been sedated.

See psycho, unga-bunga


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