
What is Mikki?


a mouse. A nicer, cuter way to say mouse.

1. The other day when i walked by the small trash can, i looked inside and there was a mikki in it.

2. Monica: ahh i can't go to sleep mom, there is a mikki in my bed!

3. How could something so damn small be so damn smart?

4. I guarantee you, that 75% of the people that read this, have a mikki in their house watching them. Probably waiting for you to drop some food or leave your meal on the table,so it can eat it after you leave.

5. Where the fuck did half of my meal go?

See mouse, mikki, miki, rodent, mice


when one splooges in a girls belly button, and the splooger takes the secretion from the belly button on the tip of his finger, and gives the girl a wet willy with it

that girl was such a slut, she let me mikki her.

See caitlin, splooge, strawberry shortcake, grundle, seagull, tumbleweed


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