Mile High Club

What is Mile High Club?


having sex in an in-flight airplane, technically while at least a mile above the ground


Indulging in any form of sexual intercourse in an in-flight Airplane restroom, while, obviously, being at least a mile off the ground.

"I hope the flight attendant didn't see us come in here...she might know we're becoming members of the Mile High Club."


Preforming any sexual thing while being in an airplane during flight, usually in the bathroom.

When I go to Florida in the spring with Mike, we are going to become members of the "Mile High Club".


Men and women who have had sex while flying in an airplane.

Are you a member of the mile high club?

Not yet, but I'm dying to be in it.

See sex, airplane, club, high, mile


To have sex in an airplane bathroom, usually when a mile above the ground.

Takes place in almost every airplane to take flight.

Dammit, what's with this turbulence? The weather's perfectly calm right now!

(glances at airplane bathroom door)

Oh wait, never mind....


The Mile High Club is perhaps the easiest club to get into, if you know what I mean.

See mile high club, sex, airplane, bathroom, turbulence


The epilogue mission of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Known for being batshit insaneon Veteran difficulty, due to the ease with which the player dies and the 60-second timer. If you can beat it, consider yourself badass.

Dude, I can't finish Mile High Club on Veteran, I keep running out of time.

See call of duty 4, xbox 360, achievements, sas, hard


technically having sex while above ground level (usually an airplane). use to be an elite club but more and more are wanting to join the parade now.

--a movie base on the life of flight attendants.

i wanna watch that second series of the mile high club

See fa, mile high club, stewardess


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