
What is Miler?


a track athlete who excels at the 1 mile distance.

Q:what was marks 1 mile time yesterday?

A-4:02.his splits were 62,60,60,60

See joe


Some one that can run a mile very well weather it be in track or from the police

i ran a 4:00 min mile yesterday and won the country championship


a woman who seems attractive at a long distance but becomes incresingly hideous as she gets closer.

Damn when I saw her from across the street she looked hot but when I got closer she looked like my dog's ass, what a miler.


An rampantly sexual teenage girl; a slut. This is derived from the phrase, "doing a mile six inches at a time".

After she'd finished with Tom, she went straight on to Harry. That Shanna really is a miler.


noun - a very large bowel movement.

"I say, I have consumed far too many Flamin' Hot Cheetos, and now feel the urge to take a miler."

See poop, crap, bowel movement, excrement, cheetos, lmfs


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