
What is Miles15?


An underappreciated Runescape player who keeps himself to himself. The first player in the game to get 200,000,000 experience in Defence, and currently placed at Rank 1 in the Defence highscores and the HP highscores. All of his combat stats (in addition to Woodcutting, Fishing and Slayer) are level 99, and his current long-term goal is to get 200,000,000 exp in all of his Melee combat stats (?). He idles in a few IRC channels (which will not be named here) on the SwiftIRC network. He has an alternate account called Miiles.

14:22:12 <Danny> I <3 Miles15. He is my idol. When I grow up, I want to be just like him. :D

See miles15, runescape, defence, combat, miles


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