Miles Nightfire

What is Miles Nightfire?


A cool guy, tends to make enemies without trying. Said enemies usally are of low intellgence, such as The Sanjuro.

That Miles Nightfire is a pretty cool guy.

See Sam


Awsome guy to know and known well around the sonic community. Red Fox/Kitsune furry that wearsa blue shirt/ pants and cap.



Le sexy too.

Sanjuro: who aer u??/


Sanjuro: ur not funnymilesnight prower waaah wheres my MGS 3 disc im gong 2 imagin its u!!111

See Becky


Lover of furry penis.

Damn, Miles Nightfire is a FURRY COCKSUCKER.


Is a Sonic Community guy. Was rascist to Sanjuro. Who is teh faggot.

Miles Nightfire is a rascist fuck who needs to be shot in his balls.


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