Miley Cyrus Syndrome

What is Miley Cyrus Syndrome?


Miley Cyrus Syndrome, or MCS for short, is an affliction whereby males mistakenly believe that a female is attractive based on her accomplishments or social status, despite her hideous appearance.

For the female version of MCS, see Michael Phelps Syndrome.

Geoff: Wow, Jenna Fischer is so hot.

Brad: No, you just think she's hot because she's on The Office.

Geoff: But she's so cute.

Brad: Are you kidding? She's not really even tappable. You've clearly got Miley Cyrus Syndrome.

Geoff: Whatever. What time is Grey's on tomorrow?

See michael phelps, miley cyrus


When you have double life, as Hannah Montana does. In Extreme cases people have been now to spontaneously burst into song about how fabbity fab fab their life is.

OMG, I think I have Miley Cyrus Syndrome!

How come?


See miley cyrus, syndrome, hannah montana, spontaneous


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