What is Military Intelligence?


a contradiction in terms. it's a no-brainer.

they went looking for weapons of mass destruction in 2001, that Colin Powell's military intelligence said were there. as a result there are 150k dead civillians, around 12k dead soldiers and 25k wounded, as a direct result of the wars forced on Iraq and Afghanistan. He need have looked no further than any American state.....like Utah or Israel.

See zionist, politician, fundamentalist, merica, useless


The Biggest Fucking Oxymoron In THE WHOLE FUCKING UNIVERSE!!!!

Iraq Is A Threat To the US...


The mother of all oxymorons. Also the excuse that Republican presidents use to perpetrate such "just wars" as the current war on Iraq.

"Military intelligence" tells us that whichever country next chooses to oppose the USA is deserving of supreme vengeance.


An oxymoron

Who says there's intelligence in the military?


an excuse for moving into another country so you can take theyer oil without bein called a empire building loonytick

see george bush

military inteligence tells us that...are a thret so we have to kill them and take theyer land and theyer oil valuable oil

See bob


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