
What is Militia?


An organized or disorganzed consortium of citizen soldiers often confused for fascists even though they're against fascism. Any able-bodied citizen of the United States who bears arms.

The European Union siege engine's goose-stepping jackbooted peace-loving stormtroopers were slaughtered by the freedom-fighting alliance of American militias.

The 21st century minuteman severed the globalist's head with a cordless reciprocal saw.


A group of slackers who enjoy taking it ease and 'chilaxin to the nth degree'.

Hey Davis, why are you trizzying so hard? Were the Militia.


the worst unit in both civilization's I & II. Had a rating of 1/1/1 which is the lowest of anything in the entire game.

The Russian militia was no match for the Aztec legions who broke through their city walls and marched into their capital.


The worst map on Counter-Strike.

silentRED: nextmap

The next map will be cs_militia

silentRED: oh wtf

silentRED: gg that map is gay


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