Milk Challenge

What is Milk Challenge?


you have one hour to drink a gallon of milk- the type of milk you drink is your choice e.g. whole milk, 2%, skim, chocolate milk..(however i would not recommend whole or vitamin d) if you puke you lose. there are several strategies for consuming the milk.. some people try to drink it all at once, others drink it like power hour to pace themselves.. the best way to take the milk challenge is with a bet involved. (its a great way to win sexual favors)

i can take you in the milk challenge.

See milk, challenge, gallon, drink, throw up


you have one hour to drink a gallon of milk- the type of milk you drink is your choice e.g. whole milk, 2%, skim, chocolate milk..(however i would not recommend whole or vitamin d) if you puke you lose. there are several strategies for consuming the milk.. some people try to drink it all at once, others drink it like power hour to pace themselves.. the best way to take the milk challenge is with a bet involved. (its a great way to win sexual favors)

i can take you in the milk challenge.

See milk, challenge, gallon, drink, throw up


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