
What is Milky?


to fill a bong with smoke to the point where it looks like "milk"

damn that bong is milked


Milky is the milk carton that appears in the video for Blur’s Coffee and TV, which was created by Garth Jennings for Hammer & Tongs.

The video starts with the milk carton sitting on a table in a house, the phone rings and a young girl answers it, Graham Coxonis still missing, and the milk carton decides to take it in his own hands, and look for Graham Coxonon his own. Apparently the author of this video cried the first time they saw the video in full, so you have been warned.

(for more info see milkyfan)

Because Milky rules!!!

See blur, graham coxon, britpop


to get ones little dick out and cry.

oi, my boyfriend last night, got his dick out last night, put it in a jonny, and wept his little eyes out, what a milky!

See milky, cry, alice, dick, condom


some one who has really light skin and light hair. Its a nickname. It's from the milky bar kid the chcocolate.

hey Milky , You ok?

See white, milk, whitey


showing signs of homosexuality, being fruity, gay, lesbian, queerish.

That was so milky of Sean Penn to say at the Academy Awards.

See gay, milk, homosexual, milky, lesbian


1.Anything of or pertaining to a pregnant person

2.A word used to make fun of pregnant people

3. A term describing something pissy or moody

omg she is so milky!

Ew why would you want to do that, thats so milky

See pregnancy, pissy, wack, cliche, prego


A shot in baskteball that is swished.

That shot was madd Milky.

See wet, ballin', drained, sank, cookies


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