Milky Joe

What is Milky Joe?


Immortalised by TV show the mighty boosh, a milky joe is a coconutwith a face drawn on it, on a stick, with a tea cloth for clothes. In the booshepisode, Howard and vince are marooned on a desert island, and eventually have no friends but milky joes. but they soon find it was all a dream from drinking too much cocnut milk

1. Extract from mighty boosh

Howard: please get me a word with precious

vince: Haven't you got milky joe

howard: the mans an arse!


person1: WTF is that?

person2: this, my friend, is a milky joe!

See milky, joe, arse, mighty boosh, the mighty boosh, wtf, coconut, arsenal


A person with particulary white, or milky skin, and possibly white hair; similar to albinos

WOW! He's a proper Milky Joe

See milky, joe, albino, white, pale


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