Milky Rip

What is Milky Rip?


The act of whitening one's water pipe shaft with smoke until it is so purely white, that it resembles a glass of milk. Followed closely by an intense inhalation of aforementioned substance.

Ex. 1

"Dude, you wouldn't believe how shitty of a day I had man"

"Tell me about it man..."

"Well to start things off Cindy, that bitch-cunt-rag of a woman who I call boss would not get off my ass about those damn TPS reports. Then that fat-fuck greasy italian mother-fucker in the next cubicle farted and I could literally taste the fucking cannolis he had for dinner last night. And to top it off, that Jewish bastard Morty Goldstein broke the coffee maker this morning and didn't bother to inform the rest of the office"

"You know what would take your mind off all that bullshit man..?"

(In unison)

"Milky Rips!"

Ex. 2

"Shit man! Check out Freddy, he's about to take the biggest rip ever!"

"Damn, that's not just a big rip, that's a Milky Rip!"

See smoke, weed, pot, pussy


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