Millburn High

What is Millburn High?


nHallways filled left to right with JAPs (jewish american princesses) with tightest asses, the biggest noses, and flattest abs who back it up with ample privelege from Daddy. Drinking with lawyers, executives, doctors, and the occasional judge is quite the norm. The question is not how much the item is, its how many you have purchase. Children of connected privelege; where SAT's dont matter and educations are given away through connections like invitations.

The people who commute out of this town all have hooked up jobs. The people who commute into our town do our laundry and clean our houses.

Millburn High is so ill

Smoking bluntsin the teachers bathroom, where the VP takes his shits.


Millburn High is trashed by it's surrounding towns because they wish they went here. The worst school that will be attended by a student of the graduating class will still go to a top 100 school. The kids score higher on the SATS than the president. The student parking lot is full of beemers, benz, lexus, rolls royce, porsche, hummer, cadilacs, rovers.. if it's a luxury car we've got it. We all claim to hate this town but.. were rich and we no it. We'd rather be known for being obnoxiouse than not being known. Our school is made up of residence from Short Hills and Millburn. Millburn is known as the ghetto of Short Hills, and as a a resident form Short HIlls i could say the income of both towns is equivalent.. but hey Short HIlls is SHort Hills and MILLBurn will never be that. The skaters bust there 'stoges' in between class, we're threatened about cuttting but never are we reported, our partys are always busted by our oh so dedicated cops. We live in one of the richest towns in the world, our school is in the top 5.. so let's quit complaining and shove it in the poor surrounding towns faces.

you go to millburn high? shitt how big's your house?

See millburn, stoges, hummer, rich bitch


A school that matters less than everyone thinks it does.

Who cares if it's got hundreds of extremely wealthy, entitled students? It blends in perfectly with other New Jersey wealthy towns like Livingston, Summit, Chatham, Far Hills, Essex Falls, Mountain Lakes, Watchung, Glen Ridge, etc.

Students from Millburn will end up at good colleges, but are by no means incredibly smart. Half the grade, on average, gets below an 1800 on the SATs.

There are also all the usual high school cliques, including the jocks, nerds, preps, goths, skaters, stoners, japs, and outcasts.

It's hit-or-miss in terms of teacher quality, and there are plenty of troubled kids always breaking the rules for reasons beyond "Well-my-daddy-told-me, I-can-do-anything-I-want."

There are hardly any field trips, but the music program is quite good, and there's a nice new turf football field. However, typical of an affluent, intense town, the arts program is notoriously underfunded.

Chances are, once a kid leaves Millburn High, they won't be remembering the four years there as "the best in their lives" and "the only time they felt truly at home" and "the time when I could be myself".

It's high school. Get over yourselves. It's not like life.

No one judges you by judging Millburn. Wait until you make something of yourself before you start measuring yourself up in the eyes of the world.

Mika: I went to Millburn High back in the day.

Joey: Oh. I've heard it's really rich and full of conformist JAPs, and that everyone is a genius, and the parties really suck, and everyone is always getting high on their dad's money before embarking on fabulous Wall Street careers.

Mika: Nope. I spent my summers at home, and I had normal friends, who I partied with, but we were never out of control because we wanted our parents to trust us, and we were rich, but not rich enough to misunderstand the value of money.

Joey: Oh. What do you do now?

Mika: Well, I went to NYU, and I've been working really heard as an accountant. Life isn't a bed of roses, but it's not bad either.

Joey: So, have you been back to visit?

Mika: Nah, it isn't really worth my time.

See millburn, high school, new jersey


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