What is Mimico Herpes?
Mimico Herpes:
a) A strain of Herpes found only in the area of Toronto, Mimico. Noone knows how it found its way there.
b)The amazing freestyle-turned-rap about one of the latest cases of Mimico Herpes, written by Jake R.
a) 1: Oh damn man, you got the Mimico Herpes from that kid...
2: Yeah damn, you heard Paolo's ex Sam got it to?
b)1: Oh damn you read the Mimico Herpes freestyle?
2: Hells yeah, you remember, Don't touch the bitch unless you want the itch?
1: Haha yeah...
a string of herpes only found in the exterior of toronto called mimico, Mimico herpes Started from a little hoe in mimco.
shit guy you got a case of the mimico herpes! guy that sucks