What is Mind Mangler?
Particularly intoxicating alcholic beverage composed of red Aftershock and Absinthe. Mixed together in equal parts, the face-numbing, psychoactive brew is surprisingly easy to drink and thought to have been the inspiration for the beverage Dr Jeckyll knocks back to turn him into Mr Hyde.
"Sorry for running about the house naked last night, jumping through the hedge, havering rubbish and repeatedly testing walls to see if they could take my weight, but I was on the old Mind Mangler again."
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To have been Beaten so Severely to Cause mental difficulties, Sillyness, Unable to control bladder functions and to be utterly Stupid.
A derogatory term for a male of the homosexual persuassion.
Al: Hey Chev you big silly, can you pick me up some vaseline from the store..