
What is Mirella?


i LuV hEr LoTz!!!

ShEs RaUnChY rEl!!! MwAz LuV u Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH !!!


a really sxc gal

I'm going out wit da hottest chick 'round, shes called mirella <Rel>


Shes a sxc beast !!!

AnD eVeRy 1 LuVz HeR lOtZ mWa MwA

WeLL lOtZ of PpL wAnT 2 dO hEr !!!


sexc gurl who i luv heeps (L)


sxc beast sxc sxc sxc girl who nos how 2 party n i no i luv her n i no a lot of ppl who luv her mwa mwa

shes xtremely sxc


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