What is Mirror Pic?
mirror pics are usually very common for anyone with a myspace to have. mirror pics are usually taken in a bathroom,bedroom, a bathroom in a public place or dressing room mirrors.they are usally taken without a flash on, but some people who have no sense of photogarphy take it with flash so all you see is a bright white light. some people sit on their counter and hold the camera from a angle so that the camera can not be seen.
0MG0sH cHeCk 0uT Mii nEw MysPaCe MiRrOr PiC !!!!!!!!111!1!!one!1
a strange phenomenom that involves taking a photo of oneself in the mirror with a camera.
mostly found on any self respecting myspace.
someone needs to teach them how to use the self timer button
Unsuspecting individual logs on into myspace and clicks onto a random profile...
OMG lyke new picz!!! Comment pls ppl!!! kkthnx </3
Sees a whole page of mirror pics
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